How to overcome fear by finding courage within yourself

find courage

In order to find out how to overcome fear, you first have to address what is at the base of your fear… and then you can find the courage to move past it.

Height and beauty can be partially acquired genetically and so is intelligence. Talent may arrive or arise in different forms and through various circumstances. Courage is different for it is something that we all definitely possess. There are many instances wherein people consider courage as a virtue that we develop because of others. For example, some people suddenly become courageous when they jump into deep waters to prevent others from drowning and some suddenly decide to participate in wars for the sake of their native land.

If you believe that you lack the willpower to pursue your aspirations, the presented pointers may assist you in unleashing the courage long residing within you. These pointers will also empower you to achieve the career and lifestyle changes that you wish to accomplish.

1. Think Courage – How you think influences how brave you will be. Instead of cramming worries and deleterious thoughts into your mind, you must fill your mind with inspirational concepts and happy memories. You must regularly view yourself as a hero who slays monsters, a guest speaker in the most important conferences or other manifestations of whatever you deeply aspire for. By faithfully allocating ample time for envisioning what you wish to attain, you’ll eventually develop the high level of courage your dream demands.

2. Speak Courage – You must change your vocabulary to prioritize positive words and expressions over negative and useless ones. Command yourself to constantly talk positively even in the most damning situations. Replace “I can’t do this” with “Tell me how to do that”. Instead of using “I told you I will just fail”, you must speak “I’ll do the right thing in my next attempt”. You must really love yourself. Regardless of what you did before, you must not consider yourself a worthless moron who’s just living a ridiculously pathetic life.

3. Earn Courage – Moving out of your comfort zone typically comes with intense anxiety and nervousness. Even the best performers and motivational speakers may suffer from stage fright. You must earn courage in spite of the feelings and uncertainties that are bringing you down. It may sometimes help you to act brave and tough even if your heart’s insanely pounding inside. To truly earn courage and successfully get encouraged, you must not surrender yourself to your fears. Failing only means that you have to try again. Don’t use past failures as petty excuses for not trying again.

4. Keep Courage – Take note of all your accomplishments in a durable notebook. Write down what you accomplished, what steps you performed and what are the consequences of each step. Whenever you encounter something depressing, you just have to look at your notes and tell yourself that you can definitely achieve at present whatever you have already accomplished before. Only the luckiest people can accomplish terrific achievements without exerting so much effort. You must consider the various challenges you face as just tests on how deserving you are of your targets. You must keep your concentration and determination as you reach your dreams.

You can definitely perform extraordinary and marvelous wonders. You must not allow sinister people and challenging circumstances ruin your great chances. You must fully utilize the courage long residing within you.

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